Thursday, August 25, 2011

Facts About Smile

Smiling is an universal language among all cultures which known  as a sign of happiness and acceptance. I love to smile wide till it almost cover my face. Sometimes I feel like an idiot when I smile over silly and simple thing while people not really want to give time to smile. Well I will stop talking about my smile and let we find out some facts behind a smile.
  1. I love this fact that we do not learn how to smile because it is natural mechanism that is hardwired in us from birth and newborn babies will start to have their first grin as early as two hours after delivery. Isn't it interesting?
  2. When you have a sincere smile, the corners of your eyes will scrunch up while the plastic smile just don’t.
  3. Our body are more relaxed when we smile. How? While we smile or just an act of turning your mouth up, can help released endorphins-an hormones of feel good. As the result of the changing mood, you will feel better and the stress goes away.
  4. If you want to look younger, just smile a lot. Some researchers said that women look more attractive and younger when they wear smile on their face rather than make up. That makes sense because when we smile we only use 17 facial muscles which mean the work of our face muscle lighter. While frowning use 43 facial muscles.
  5. Smiling helps you get promoted. Smile makes a person look more attractive, sociable and confident, and this kind of person more likely to get promotion.
  6. Women are more likely to smile. Fact: The average woman smiles  approximately 62 times a day. In the same day, a man only flashes his pearly whites a mere eight times but when both man and woman participate in similar work or social roles, they smile the same amount.Unique!
  7. A smile is like a virus. It is contagious. Can you frown when you see someone smiling? I can’t because I will smile too. If you don’t believe this, just start to smile and the whole world will smile with you!

A merry heart will strengthen the bone. So keep smiling!


1 comment:

Karen Dawkins said...

I love your sweet, sincere blog.
Have a blessed day!
