Sunday, October 16, 2011

My Saturday

Finally today I can my have my "alone day"  even only for short time but it's wonderful. I went to a coffee shop and ordered Hazelnut coffee ( one of my fav) with cream. So yummy but felt bad after I sipped it because I added more fat to my body but who can skip this coffee

Don't you think that creamy cream tempt you to sip it?

Sat on the couch wrote the first post for my another new blog and then read. It was so relaxing been free from the tight schedule and from my crazy but dear students at last yea at least just for this Saturday and hopefully will have it next week too. 

Before I got to the coffee shop, I saw an interesting view on traffic light while I was waiting for the red light turn to green I saw a lady cross the street. Well, it was not gonna make me turn my head and say "Where did she get it?" if she did not have that brown vintage sling bag on her shoulder.  From the way she dressed herself I think she is a woman who sweep the street around the traffic light but it's not really matter what she does but woman is always a woman who sometime wants to donned herself with thing that she likes and it's normal, right?

Because it is normal so my friend and I went to a mall and she bought a pair of cute black sandal but this afternoon I have to let my hands empty without a pair of brown shoes that steal my heart because I have been crazy last weekend and spent much money on shoes so no more shopping. Hope the store still have the shoes till the next two weeks.


Mona said...

bon jovi said "I'll be saturday night"

Ehan said...

Del, what a girly blog you have! :)
